Galeria Municipal do PortoGaleria Municipal do Porto

Francisco Pedro Oliveira
Primal Form
Curated by Isabeli Santiago
In a liminal space between abstraction and materiality, Francisco Pedro Oliveira proposes an aesthetic and spiritual experience. Throughout the installation, different elements of the work articulate the artist’s ecosystem of interests: Portuguese ethnography, apotropaic phenomena, vernacular knowledge and syncretistic notions of spirituality.
29.03 - 22.06.2025

Saturday, March 29th starting at 6pm

Opening: Primal Form

Francisco Pedro Oliveira (1997, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) é artista multidisciplinar, licenciado em Artes Plásticas na FBAUP e pós-graduado em Multimédia, na área de Design de Som e Música Interativa na FEUP e mestrando em New Media Art na Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Nasceu em Santa Maria da Feira e está sediado no Porto, onde vive e trabalha. 
Admission is free
Venue: Fonoteca Municipal do Porto (R. de Pinto Bessa 122 Armazém 12, 4300-427 Porto)

Admission is free.

Saturday, May 3rd, at 4pm

Guided exhibition tours

On this Saturday, there will be guided tours of the exhibitions on show at Galeria Municipal do Porto: Deep Scarlet, Scream Ruby - The Freestanding Joys, by Pauline Curnier Jardin,  Depth of Field, by Mónica de Miranda and Primal Form, by Francisco Pedro Oliveira.
Admission is free.
 Venue: Capela Carlos Alberto, Jardins do Palácio de Cristal

Admission is free, subject to room capacity.

Age rating to be assigned.

Saturday, May 7th, at 4pm

Guided exhibition tours

On this Saturday, there will be guided tours of the exhibitions on show at Galeria Municipal do Porto: Deep Scarlet, Scream Ruby - The Freestanding Joys, by Pauline Curnier Jardin,  Depth of Field, by Mónica de Miranda and Primal Form, by Francisco Pedro Oliveira.
Admission is free.

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