Joana da Conceição
Joana da Conceição’s work invites us to abandon stagnant ways of relating to the world, proposing magical approaches to the unknown. Nave Geo-Celestial is a dive into the mysterious interior of a pulsating space made of colour, light, matter and sound. This moving place brings together different animated bodies: some resemble familiar figures such as a bed, windows or a skeleton, while others are uncanny in the way they constitute permeable surfaces and suggest floating images or cosmic skies. By seeking a freed imagination, Nave Geo-Celestial projects various possibilities for perceiving reality, questioning oppositions such as self and other, interior and exterior, micro and macro, horizontal and vertical, real and virtual, abstract and figurative, light and dark or static and in motion. Here, these distinctions are replaced by a sensory demonstration of the intimate relationship between all things, materialising a celebration of the living multiplicity of the universe.
Part of the project forms of the surrounding futures, curated by João Laia.
Part of the project forms of the surrounding futures, curated by João Laia.