Galeria Municipal do PortoGaleria Municipal do Porto

  • forms of the surrounding futures @Público, by Mariana Duarte

    The exhibition "forms of the surrounding futures" featured in the online and print editions of the Público newspaper. To read more, click here.
  • João Laia, on "forms of the surrouding futures" @Ensaio, RTP

    RTP's "Ensaio" television programme visited the exhibition " forms of the surrounding futures" and interviewed João Laia. To watch, click here.
  • Maíra Mafra finishes her residency at CCC OD in Tours, France

    Maíra Mafra, the artist who won the Open Call launched by GMP for an artist's residency at the Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré (CCC OD) in Tours, France, is about to finish her two-month research.
    During her residency, the Portuguese-Brazilian artist dedicated herself to exploring the city's buildings and their surfaces. From the porosity to the crevices and cracks, from the insects that inhabit these small spaces to the sound of the Loire river currents, Mafra reflected on the possible dialogues between human and non-human practices of inhabiting the urban landscape.
    The project also included an exhibition, where some of the results of this process could be seen, which were materialised in a wide variety of ways, combining clay, drawing, photography and video.
    Photography: Vincent Royer


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