Colectivos Pláka
The Colectivos Pláka are part of the Pláka Platform.

July 10 – 13, 2019
The Time(s) of Contemporaneity 2: Decolonizing Culture

September 28 – October 4, 2019
Post-Nostalgic Knowings

December 5 – 8, 2019
Love and Garbage
Assemble and a small set of their friends, collaborators and accomplices invite the participantsto join them for four days of working together. Basing each day on a set of short readings and sustained bodily and material processes, working together will be used as a space for opening up discussion on the shared ideas, preoccupations and concerns that have been coursing through the undercurrents of Assemble’s working practice over the last ten years.

Compulsive Desires: On Lithium Extraction, Endless Growth, and Self-Optimisation

ENERGY DREAMS – Compulsive Desires: Public Session #1
Saturday, 7.05
5:30 PM
Epistemologies of Energy, by Michael Marder
(video availabe)
7 PM
States of Exhaustion, by Marina Otero Verzier
(video availabe)
Public sessions with free entrance, subject to room capacity. More information at

MANIC BEHAVIOURS – Compulsive Desires: Public Session #2
Sunday, 8.05
5:30 PM
Bathing and Mining Grounds, by Anastasia Kubrak
(video available)
The Right to Madness, by Susana Caló
(video available)
Discussion with Susana Caló, Anastasia Kubrak and Marina Otero Verzier
Public sessions with free entrance, subject to room capacity. More information at

ALLYSHIP – Compulsive Desires: Public Session #3
6 PM
Lithium Dreams, by Godofredo Pereira
(video available)
7 PM
Nature but Not Only, by Marisol de la Cadena
(video available)
Discussion with Marina Otero Verzier, Marisol de La Cadena and Godofredo Pereira
Public sessions with free entrance, subject to room capacity. More information at

Colectivos Pláka
The climate, the worry, the dance
How these ecologies, these forms of relations and processes, will crystalize is not something we can know, but instead we can create opportunities that are gathered through sensation, affect, intimacy, care, and empathy. The course focuses on “engaging with” rather than “learning about”, and our instrument and place of care is the body, its movements and relations. We will embark on journeys to undo worlds and through so-called prefigurative practices, we will initiate processes of world-making, shifting the representation of bodies and their metamorphoses; the relationship between individuals and technologies; and the connection between bodies and the Earth.
The course is part of the Pláka Collectives and will consist of eight occasions during which we will practice together possibilities for alternative ecologies. It takes the form of a guided research process emphasizing relations and doing, where the spirit, mind and body are regarded as foundational in the struggle against the pressing climate crisis.

29.09 - The Climate, The Worry, The Dance
Public Session: Fantasmical Anatomies, by Anne Juren

October 13, from 7 to 9pm
Public Session: Companion, Kinship, Alongside, by Hana Lee Erdman
What is a relation? Are they symmetrical or necessarily unbalanced? Can relations be fruitful even though communication seems impossible? Or can we learn from others - animals, things, spirits - through other means - intimacy, touch, entanglement, time or letting go.
The American dancer and choreographer Hana Erdman has through her artistic practices journeyed into interspecies relations, forms of companionship and kinship and will in this presentation guide us into worlds that are hiding in plain sight, that can’t be seen but sensed, experienced but not named.

October 15, from 5 to 9pm
Public Session: The Climate, The Worry, The Dance, by Mårten Spångberg with Hana Lee Erdman

The climate, the worry, the dance
Galeria Municipal launches new publication as part of the Pláka Collectives.

Colectivos Pláka
Becoming Assembly: On The Whys And Hows Of Design Today

Colectivos Pláka
We will work with notions of habit, attachment and accessibility to create time-and body-based scenarios for making our personal and political feelings approachable.